Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Computers, Viruses, and Hackers

So, lets start (and end) this post by telling you a very good antivirus (see glossary) and firewall (see glossary). I use it personally, and it's called Comodo. I use it personally, and I like it the best. And best of all, IT'S FREE!

antivirus: defends against viruses and Trojans (see virus)

firewall: defends against hackers that break into your computer (see hacker)

hacker: person that tries to break into your computer; writes viruses

Trojan: virus that pretends to be something else to get in, got it's name from the Trojan War

virus: a nasty computer program that tries to destroy/gain access to your computer files (see Trojan)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Dangers of Smoking ( and how you can quit)!

Smoking: we've all heard of it, and we've all heard of the dangers. But what exactly DOES smoking do to you? Well, it causes a lot of deaths (440,000 each year) and we know it affects kids too (each day 3,000 kids smoke their first cigarette!) But how do you quit if you're addicted? Well, we have nicotine patches, and we have just quitting cold turkey , but then we have E-Cigarettes! Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes for short, are little electronic things, that provide nicotine and vapor that feels and tastes like real smoke! There is nothing real about the smoke or the tobacco, it's only the nicotine in it that's real. Click here for the link that could save your life from lung cancer and other horrible diseases!

One thing I forgot to add, is that smoking is not dangerous if you can control it and do it in moderation, but do it too much and get addicted, and your whole life goes down the drain!

The Freebie Corner!

There's no free- huh, what's this?

For the new parents:
Free baby formula!

In debt? Never fear, a free booklet is here!
Debt Booklet

OMG GOP WTF sticker:


Free energy (product isn't free, but hey, no more ConEdison bills)!:
Free energy

Check back for more reviews/free stuff/stuff that looks cool!