Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What happened in my birth year?

In 1998, the world was a different place.

In 1998, the year of your birth, the top selling movie was Armageddon. People buying the popcorn in the cinema lobby had glazing eyes when looking at the poster.

People were indeed watching movies in the cinema, and not downloading them online. Imagine the packed seats, the laughter, the excitement, the novelty.

Do you know who won the Oscars that year? The academy award for the best movie went to Shakespeare in Love. The Oscar for best foreign movie that year went to Life Is Beautiful. The top actor was Roberto Benigni for his role as Guido Orefice in Life Is Beautiful. The top actress was Gwyneth Paltrow for her role as Viola De Lesseps in Shakespeare in Love. The best director? Steven Spielberg for Saving Private Ryan.

In the year 1998, the time when you arrived on this planet, books were still popularly read on paper, not on digital devices. Trees were felled to get the word out. The number one US bestseller of the time was The Street Lawyer by John Grisham. Oh, that's many years ago. Have you read that book? Have you heard of it? Look at the cover!

In 1998... Smoking is banned in all California bars and restaurants. Russia begins to circulate new rubles to stem inflation and promote confidence. Nineteen European nations agree to forbid human cloning. Suspected "Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski pleads guilty, and accepts a sentence of life without the possibility of parole. The United States Senate passes Resolution 71, urging U.S. President Bill Clinton to "take all necessary and appropriate actions to respond to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." The first XML specification is released. Two white separatists are arrested in Nevada, accused of plotting biological warfare on New York City subways. A 66-day blackout begins in Auckland, New Zealand. Data sent from the Galileo probe indicates that Jupiter's moon Europa has a liquid ocean under a thick crust of ice. In Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Services, the Supreme Court of the United States rules that federal laws banning on-the-job sexual harassment also apply when both parties are the same sex. NASA announces the choice of United States Air Force Lt. Col. Eileen Collins as commander of a future Space Shuttle Columbia mission to launch an X-ray telescope, making Collins the first woman to command a space shuttle mission. The video game of the day was Metal Gear Solid.

That was the world you were born into. Since then, you and others have changed it.

The Nobel prize for Literature that year went to José Saramago. The Nobel Peace prize went to John Hume and David Trimble. The Nobel prize for physics went to Robert B. Laughlin, Daniel Chee Tsui and Horst Ludwig Störmer from the United States and Germany for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations. The sensation this created was big. But it didn't stop the planets from spinning, on and on, year by year. Years in which you would grow bigger, older, smarter, and, if you were lucky, sometimes wiser. Years in which you also lost some things. Possessions got misplaced. Memories faded. Friends parted ways. The best friends, you tried to hold on. This is what counts in life, isn't it?

The 1990s were indeed a special decade. The Nineties saw the beginnings of the World Wide Web, originating at CERN. Email becomes popular. The Soviet Union dissolved. Living standards in East Asia and Europe generally improved. The Cold War ends. Iraqi forces invade Kuwait. A UN coalition force led by the US was sent to the Persian Gulf, and aerial bombing of Iraq began. The Kosovo War took place. The Ethiopian Civil War ends. Dolly, a sheep, is cloned. The Global Positioning System GPS becomes fully operational. Genetically engineered crops are developed for commercial use. Intel develops the Pentium processor. The Java programming language is created. Microsoft released Windows 95. In Los Angeles, riots occur after the police brutality case involving Rodney King. Great Britain hands sovereignty of Hong Kong to China. East Timor breaks away from Indonesian control. US president Bill Clinton was involved in the Lewinsky scandal. Dogme 95 becomes an important artistic movement in European film. Teen soap Beverly Hills 90210 has its long run. Baywatch becomes the most watched show in history. On MTV, reality television makes its beginning. Nelson Mandela is elected president of South Africa. Germany was reunified. The prediction of computer bug Y2K spreads fear.

Do you know what was on the cover of Life that year?

6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... it's 1998. There's TV noise coming from the second floor. Someone turned up the volume way too high. The sun is burning from above. These were different times. The show playing on TV is Power Rangers in Space. The sun goes down. Someone switches channels. There's Sex and the City on now. That's the world you were born in.

Progress, year after year. Do you wonder where the world is heading towards?

We're gettin' it straight in 98 y'all
Ah, ooh love, yeah
Tired of all the talk they're talkin' all over this town
I'm tired of all the negativity that's goin' 'round

That's from the song Live by Lenny Kravitz.

In 1998, a new character entered the world of comic books: Silverclaw. Bang! Boom! But that's just fiction, right? In the real world, in 1998, Jae Head was born. And Bindi Irwin. Mia-Sophie Wellenbrink, too. And you, of course. Everyone an individual. Everyone special. Everyone taking a different path through life.
It's 2010.

The world is a different place.

What path have you taken?

Find out what happened in YOUR birth year at http://whathappenedinmybirthyear.com/!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Computers, Viruses, and Hackers

So, lets start (and end) this post by telling you a very good antivirus (see glossary) and firewall (see glossary). I use it personally, and it's called Comodo. I use it personally, and I like it the best. And best of all, IT'S FREE!

antivirus: defends against viruses and Trojans (see virus)

firewall: defends against hackers that break into your computer (see hacker)

hacker: person that tries to break into your computer; writes viruses

Trojan: virus that pretends to be something else to get in, got it's name from the Trojan War

virus: a nasty computer program that tries to destroy/gain access to your computer files (see Trojan)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Dangers of Smoking ( and how you can quit)!

Smoking: we've all heard of it, and we've all heard of the dangers. But what exactly DOES smoking do to you? Well, it causes a lot of deaths (440,000 each year) and we know it affects kids too (each day 3,000 kids smoke their first cigarette!) But how do you quit if you're addicted? Well, we have nicotine patches, and we have just quitting cold turkey , but then we have E-Cigarettes! Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes for short, are little electronic things, that provide nicotine and vapor that feels and tastes like real smoke! There is nothing real about the smoke or the tobacco, it's only the nicotine in it that's real. Click here for the link that could save your life from lung cancer and other horrible diseases!

One thing I forgot to add, is that smoking is not dangerous if you can control it and do it in moderation, but do it too much and get addicted, and your whole life goes down the drain!

The Freebie Corner!

There's no free- huh, what's this?

For the new parents:
Free baby formula!

In debt? Never fear, a free booklet is here!
Debt Booklet

OMG GOP WTF sticker:


Free energy (product isn't free, but hey, no more ConEdison bills)!:
Free energy

Check back for more reviews/free stuff/stuff that looks cool!